COVID-19 and Piercing Shops

Now that the world is starting to open back up, what will it look like inside piercing studios? Piercers already do a lot to keep you safe from bloodborne pathogens, but we are adding some new procedures to protect you from COVID-19. Every country, state and county has different regulations about the proper way to run a piercing studio. Read here what you want to look for in a piercing studio to keep yourself safe. 

Piercing Shops are Like a Surgical Room

We run our own studio very similar to a surgical room. And we advise you to make sure the same applies to the studio of your choice. For us, it has always been the case from the day we opened. We use MadaCide on all surfaces, including door handles in between each client and at the start and end of each day. MadaCide is Mada Medical’s disinfectant/cleaner and deodorizer that has no alcohol content. It is a general one-step, ready-to-use, hospital-level product. The product is an effective bactericide, virucide, and fungicide.

It is formulated to disinfect hard, non-porous, inanimate, environmental surfaces, equipment, and non-critical instruments. It kills Influenza A, HIV, Hepatitis A, B & C, TB, MRSA, VRE, and SARS and other corona viruses. All of our tools are one-time use, or they are sterilized in a medical-grade autoclave. The autoclave is tested each use for efficacy, and monthly sore tests are done. All our needles are one-time use only. All used products are discarded in a Shaps medical waste container that a biowaste company services replaces each month. We wash our hands before and after every client. We clean our entire studio top to bottom every day.  

Our Precautions

Since the Covid-19 Shut Downs, we have been closed per the request of the Governor of California. We do not currently have an opening date, but some states and countries have opened. We have not been told the criteria we will need to follow to re-open yet, so some of the new changes we implemented may vary once we know. We keep up to date on the virus and the CDC and WHO recommendations. And we are commited to keeping our clients and staff safe.

  • All of our staff have taken all the new courses available to be educated on the virus.
  • All clients must have an appointment. We are not accepting walk-in.
  • Clients must have been 14 days symptom-free from any cough, fever, or sore throat and must not have been in contact with anyone with any of these symptoms.
  • All clients will be scanned for temperature and ask to use hand sanitizer or wash their hands at arrival.
  • No guests allowed with clients unless under 18 one parent will need to be present.
  • Clients and staff must wear masks for the full duration of the appointment.
  • We will not be doing oral piercings or tooth gems until mask law is lifted.
  • There is no touching of the displayed jewelry, and only clients with appointments will be allowed to purchase jewelry and aftercare in the studio. All other jewelry and aftercare sales will need to be done online. We do have shipping and pick-up available.
  • We will be leaving our doors locked as not to get people coming in to inquire about piercings and products.
  • Appointments will be let in one at a time.
  • There will only be one staff member in the procedure room at a time. All specials will be done in the form of gift certificates purchased online to not have a crowd at the studio.
  • We will still be offering two-week check-ups and jewelry change assistance; appointments will just be required.

I think the world is definitely going to look different for a little while. It is sad to think people will be distant and small businesses are suffering. Businesses like piercing studios, small restaurants, hair and nail salons, and many others are struggling. We have been closed for since March 18th with no payments and still have all the overhead like rent. The US government did not help small businesses. All the government help went to large companies. I’m not sure how it went in other countries. So I want to encourage you to support small companies when you can. They really appreciate and need it. I know a lot of small businesses that had to close down and will not be able to afford to re-open. We are very lucky that we will be able to make it through this. Some positive things are happening to the world right now.

A happy note

To end on a happy note. Our carbon footstep has been impacted in a positive way. The animals are thriving, and the pollution is way down. The oceans and rivers are more transparent then they have been in years. A hole in the ozone has been repaired. The world may run differently after this pandemic, but hopefully, it has taught us a few things along the way. Maybe we will run a little slower and appreciate all the freedoms we have. I’m sorry if you or your family have been affected by the virus, and my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in the world during this difficult time.  

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